Thursday, August 24, 2017

In The Kitchen With The Campers

Hello future readers,

Some of us thought it would be cool to make some food for our dance that's coming up So me, Shante', Melody and Raychel asked Kerry, and our camp cook, Mrs. Bishop, if we could use the kitchen to bake cookies! So we all got out the ingredients and got busy mixing them together.

Melody kneaded the dough. I love cookie dough! I wanted to eat some, but I wanted the cookies even more, so I didn't take any.

Shante' rolled out the dough nice and smooth.

"I've got the cookie sheets!" Raychel said.

"All right! And I got a cool star cookie cutter", I said. "Let's get busy!" So we all took turns cutting the stars from the cookie dough, (and this time I did snitch a little piece!).

When all the cookies were laid out on the cookie sheets, Mrs. Bishop put them in the oven. (Camp rules, campers aren't allowed to touch the stove or the oven). We cleaned up while we waited 20 minutes for the cookies to be done. Pretty soon the whole dining hall smelled like home baked cookies! At last they were ready! Outta site! It's Cookie Time!

Mrs. Bishop said we could each have one cookie, and that she'd save the rest for the dance. And were they ever good! YUMMY!

I think it's super groovy to bake things in the kitchen, whether it's with my Easy Bake Oven at home, or during the holidays with my mom, or with my good friends here at camp. If people bake in the future, I hope you have as much fun as we did making cookies for our camp dance!

Until next time,
Your friend,
Julie Newman

P.S. This will be my last entry until the dance on the last day of camp. The boys will start putting their entries in a few days. I hope you like them! (And if you don't, please don't blame me!) ~Julie


  1. Hi Julie,
    Good job, girls! Those cookies look delicious!
    Your future friend,

  2. Thanks Fawn,

    I hope the other campers think so too!

  3. Those cookies look yummy! wouldn't dream of blaming you for the boys' work. :)
