Sunday, October 1, 2017

And I Thought My Dog Was Crazy!

Hello future readers,

This past Saturday, Cheryl and I decided to take our dogs, Boomer and Butterscotch for a walk in Springfield Park. When we got there, Danny and his little cousin Michael were already there playing catch.

"Now Michael, when you pitch, you wanna grip the ball like this, see?"
"OK Danny."

"What a groovy day. Hey Julie, doesn't it still feel like summer?"
"It sure does, Cheryl. My mom says it's called Indian Summer."

"Hey look, there's Danny and his little cousin, Michael."
"I didn't know he was visiting", I said.

"Hi guys! Hey Michael, long time no see!", I called.
"JULIE!" Michael yelled and threw his arms around me.

Michael sat down on the grass to play with our dogs.

"Hi Boomer! Hi puppy!"

"So Danny, when did Michael get here?"
"Oh, him and my aunt got here last night. My uncle's on a business trip and my aunt got lonely, so she and Michael came to stay with us for a few days."

"Michael's gonna try out for a new Pee Wee League in San Diego, so we came out here to practice."

"Wow, that's great! I hope you make it, Michael", Cheryl said.
"We're gonna finish our walk, but we'll catch you guys later today, OK?"
"Promise you'll come over later, Julie?", Michael asked me.
"You know it, Michael, and we'll have all kinds of fun, all right?"
"C'mon Michael, let's practice some more", Danny said.

Danny pitched the ball to Michael, right as we were walking off.

"OOPS! I missed it!", Michael said. The ball rolled in our direction and stopped right in front of Butterscotch.

All of a sudden, Butterscotch picked up the ball and took off running! She jerked the leash right out of Cheryl's hand!

"Butterscotch, STOP!", hollered Cheryl. "Come back here you crazy dog!"
Man, we can't get this mutt to play fetch, but she'll take off running with other people's balls!

So now all 4 of us are chasing Cheryl's dog all over the park!
"Let's surround her", Danny called. "At least one of us will be able to get her!"

Then quick as a flash, Michael takes a dive and lands right on top of Butterscotch!

"You silly doggie! Gimme back our baseball!"

"Outta site Michael! All right! Nice going!", we all yelled.

"Butterscotch, you bad dog! I'm gonna talk to Mom and Dad about getting you into obedience training! You gotta learn to mind me better!"

Wow, poor Cheryl. I know she's been trying to train Butterscotch on her own, but not all dogs are the same. Some dogs are really easy to train, and others are harder.  Even though my dog Boomer drives me crazy sometimes, most of the time, he obeys me. But there are times he does things he shouldn't do, but you know what? I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Until next time, future readers,
Your friend,
Julie Newman


  1. Hi Julie,
    One time my mother was dogsitting for a friend. She took it outside for a walk and it spotted a squirrel. When it took off it yanked the leash out of her hand so hard that she broke her arm. So glad this didn't happen to Cheryl. Looks like Michael saved the day!
    Your future friend,

    1. The dog was actually strong enough to break your mom's arm? OUCH! Man, am I happy that didn't happy to Cheryl, too! Your poor mom!

  2. Dogs can definitely be a challenge sometimes. I think Cheryl's idea of obedience school is a fantastic idea. Sometimes they know of better ways to do things that we can think of on our own!

    1. Yeah, I think you're right. Butterscotch is such a beautiful dog, but man is she ever stubborn!

  3. Sounds like Butterscotch had a great time! Haha! We have a dachshund that is SO fat she shimmies out of all her collars and even a harness. We finally found a harness that worked and she was so put out not being able to escape.

    1. HAHA! Your dog must look like a queen sized hot dog!

  4. Oh, my gosh! Julie and Cheryl I know how that can be. I accidentally let a friend's dog out of the house and she thought I was playing and took off. I spent hours looking for her and felt miserable about it. Luckily Randa was found near home safe and sound. We laugh about it now, but I was mad at myself for letting it happen.

    1. I remember how that can be too! Once Boomer took off after the neighbor's cat and I spent hours looking for him! But at least when Butterscotch ran off we could still see her!
