Monday, August 21, 2017

Let's Play Some Volleyball!

Hello future readers,

Today Kerry had a surprise for us. She and Doug (the Camp Wilderness counselor) set up a volleyball net on our main field. So some of the Red Robins and the Purple Peacocks decided to play.

We did "Rock Paper Scissors" to see who got first serve. Paper covers rock, and we were paper, so Sunny got the first serve.

Susan hit it back to our side.

All right! Stephanie bopped the ball back over the net.

Score one for Lisa!

"I got it! I got it!"

"Right on, Julie!"

Cheryl got right under my return hit.

And she got it!

By the time the match was over, the Peacocks beat us 4 to 3. But it was a good game and we all had fun.

"Hey guys, let's go up to the Dining Hall for some bug juice and gorp!"

Do kids still play sports like volleyball in the future?  Do you have robots play for you like on "The Lost Saucer"? (that's a Saturday morning TV show) Or maybe you play by computer? Well, I hope you guys still play real sports, 'cos it's so much fun!

Until tomorrow, future readers,
Your friend,
Julie Newman


  1. Hi Julie! Yes, we in the future still play rough and rugged sports. In Junior High school, I was small and thin ( not any more ). I played volleyball in school and was nicknamed powerhouse and mightymight. I had a great serve. I even played at church after I grew up. Volleyball is my favorite sport! It's fun to win, but even when you don't, it's great just to play!

    1. Wow Linda, that's really groovy! I'm not a power house or a mighty might in volleyball, but I can hold my own. It's a lot of fun and has less rules than baseball!

  2. Hi Julie,
    I wasn't very good at sports so I didn't play anything in school but I did enjoy playing volleyball with my friends at church. They didn't get mad at me if I missed the ball.
    Your future friend,

    1. Hi Fawn,

      I remember the first time I played volleyball, I was so scared I was gonna get hit in the face, that I missed everything that came my way! And the kids in gym class DID get mad at me!

  3. Hey Arch Enemy :),
    Poor CJ tried his hand at volleyball at Camp Falling Waters and got hit smack dab in the face and broke his glasses. He says he'll stick with soccer.
    From Turkeyville,
    You know who

    1. OUCH! Man, that kid has the worse luck with his glasses! You guys play soccer like that guy Pele'? I didn't know kids did that!

  4. Sports are HUGE now! Most of the kids play soccer or baseball or football. My sister, Kaya, and I play lacrosse. All of us like volleyball too. Kirsten once took a spike in the nose; it didn't swell up like Marcia Brady's, but she did yell, "Oh, my nose!"
